Junior Year Success Tips:
Eleventh Grade - First Semester
Keep your grades up. Get help if you need it
Continue to take college prep courses
Attend the THS College Night Presentation which will cover the college application process, financial aid, and testing. Reps from area colleges will be available for Q & A session
Use these websites for college searches:
Take SAT prep courses before taking the exam
Consider taking the PSAT/NMSQT for further SAT practice
Consider taking the ACT
Register for AP Exams (if applicable)
Keep active in athletics, academic, extracurricular, and/or community activities.
Visit a college and gather information
Eleventh Grade - Second Semester
Prepare for Senior year registration via Skyward.
Download and choose classes using the current year THS course booklet
Update your 4-year plan using the THS 4-Year Planning Chart.
Account for pre-requisites required for classes
Investigate colleges regarding your interests, courses, support programs, and financial aid
Attend a college fair
In February, SWIC will host a college fair where over 100 colleges will be in attendance along with financial aid workshops
In March, SIUE will hold a similar College Fair
Start narrowing down the number of schools you are seriously considering. Visit them if possible
Use the College Visit Information for helpful information related to college days
Continue to explore career interests and discuss them with your parents, teachers, and school counselor using Illinois WorkNet or Big Future
Take AP Exams (if applicable)
Take the School Day SAT
Once you receive your SAT and /or ACT scores, determine whether your scores meet your goals. You may need to register again for the SAT or ACT if they don’t meet requirements
Make a resume for rec letters for your senior year. Think of your accomplishments, extracurricular, volunteer work, and other awards you may have received. See this link for what goes on a resume College Resume
Think of 3-5 match schools and one safety school, one reach school for your applications